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Fantastics insights I got shortly after this week last study group meeting

{"ops":[{"insert":"This is quite amazing, after dr Elder talked about her story about learning to draw and about overcoming the doubts about not being able to draw I finally got an amazing insight which on retrospect seemed quite obvious.\nIt's about my speaking impediement where I speak fast and do not articulate well, previously, I always thought that this problem was \"bigger than me\", that my problem was different from others that had the same problem, that my problem was as unsolvable as it got, that I was different, that I had to live with that problem t'il I found some obscure solution etc, etc.\n\nI now realized that all that thinking was uncritical, very poor and toxic thinking that pretty much kept me where I was.\nI always have been able to speak slowly and clearly in certain cases before, so it's not like I couldn't do it, the problem just happenened in certain common cases.\nShortly after the meeting on thursday I registered for an online course on diction which includes some coaching.\nI started doing the exercises and I'm surprinsingly not that bad, it seemed like 90% of the problem was my thinking and attitude towards the problem, which was fixed after I got the obvious insight about it after the meeting. It seems in 99% of my life I understand that I can learn or change pretty much anything if I put the effort and learning into it, this knowledge just seemed to not have generalized to one of my most important problem I had that had to do with my speaking and communication for some reason.\nProof that knowledge we have do not necessarily generalize automatically to important areas of our life.\n\nAnywoo, I'm immensely grateful to the discussions we had during our last study group session which brought me that insight and I look forward to mastering yet a new skill, the one of speaking slower and more clearly and with good diction and breathing :-)\n\nI'm sure that it's this kind of changes dr Elder and foundation know that studying critical thinking can achieve for self-actualization :-)\n\nGratefully,\n\nNick \n"}]}


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