Create a New Study Group
As creator of a study group, you will have extra responsibilities in addition to the responsibilities of a regular group member. This is because you will be the group's administrator. Be aware that this will mean more time and effort on your part. Please be prepared for this. All moderators should access and read our Study Group Use Guidelines and example form here.
New Study Group:

Title of the Study Group*

Books/Articles/Media to be Used
Please provide relevant information on what you aim to study. This should include the titles of the works being studied as will as physical locations or links to places online where the works can be found. If applicable, please make sure to include the full link, as this will help the other members of your group find the media.

Time to Meet *
Do not forget to include your timezone!

How Will this Group Meet? *
This should be online using webcams. We recommend using technologies such as Skype and Google Hangout.

Do You Want This to be a Public or a Private Study Group*
Public study groups will appear on the study group search page until they are full. Private studies require you to invite specific individuals.

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