Blog Post: Who Exemplifies Critical Thinking? One Such Person is Jane Goodall

Linda Elder
Oct 10, 2021 • 2y ago
Who Exemplifies Critical Thinking? One Such Person is Jane Goodall

{"ops":[{"insert":"\nPeople frequently ask us for examples of people who are “critical thinkers.” First it is important to realize that unless we are with people throughout every day and observe their behavior in all parts of their lives, we cannot determine that they are “critical thinkers.” People frequently behave differently in one part of their life than other parts, so any given person may be excellent in thinking about X while being very poor at thinking about Y (fill in the X and Y with any domains of thought). This is because we are frequently compartmentalized as thinkers. Second, no one is a perfect “critical thinker” because all of us fall prey to egocentric and sociocentric thinking. It is best to realize that critical thinking exists on a continuum in every person, and that we think better in some parts of our lives than other parts.\n\nStill, there are examples of people who demonstrate critical thinking in commendable ways that offer examples to others. One such person is Jane Goodall, who has worked throughout her life to bring awareness to the importance of preserving natural habitats of not only Chimpanzees but habitats for all wild animals. She has a deep understanding of the importance of ethics in our treatment of animals across the board. And she has written several books worth reading. I suggest all of her books incluging “In the Shadow of Man,” and her more recent book “The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times.”\n"}]}

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