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Linda Elder
I am excited to be part of this dynamic learning platform for advancing, discussing and supporting critical thinking. I have been the president of the Foundation for Critical Thinking for 26 years.

Posted July 17, 2019      

See our Blog to deepen your critical thinking connections

Posted by: Linda Elder | Posted for: the Community

Check out our blog to find suggested videos, books and articles for instructors, students, professional leaders, and indeed everyone. Through our blog we hope to help you continue to make connections between critical thinking theory and its application to life's real problems and issues. We will offer teaching tips and instructional design ideas and discuss what we see happening in terms of critical thinking today.

We are delighted to open this new membership community for those who wish to add their weight to helping cultivate fairminded critical societies.

Posted June 26, 2019      

Welcome to Our Community Online! Become Active and Let us Learn Together...

Posted by: Linda Elder | Posted for: the Community

Welcome to our new online Critical Thinking Community, Academy and Cafe. Have meaningful conversations with us and increasingly internalize the concepts and principles in strong sense critical thinking. If you do not know what I mean by strong sense critical thinking, see our Glossary of Critical Thinking Terms and Concepts in the library.

Tammy Neal - 5y Ago
What are your thoughts?
Thank you so much for a place to interact with folks interested in Critical Thinking, worldwide!
Joseph Halter - 5y Ago
I appreciate the opportunity to become a participant and learner in the new Our Community Online forum. Strong sense critical thinking is a high standard for all of us but a worthy and noble goal to strive for. Best wishes to all and look forward to our dialogue.
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks so kindly for the invite. I look forward to learning more from this outstanding International Conference as I will give back to my community. Here in Liberia, we need this training more and more. Thank you once again.\n"}]}
Byron Ford - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello, all.\n\nI see that the intellectual standard of "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"sufficiency "},{"insert":"has been added to the list of essentials.\n\nThe description of "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"sufficiency"},{"insert":" seems to me to overlap that of "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"fairness. "},{"insert":"What's more, the combination of "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"depth"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"breadth"},{"insert":" seems to already encompass what is denoted by it.\n\nCan't help but think this addendum was unnecessary. I sincerely would like it if someone to set me straight on this point. Thanks.\n\n\n\n"}]}
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