Blog Post: Thank you Sidney Poitier - and I Recommend These Poitier Classics

Linda Elder
Jan 07, 2022 • 2y ago
Thank you Sidney Poitier - and I Recommend These Poitier Classics

{"ops":[{"insert":"I was very saddened to hear of the death of Sidney Poitier this morning. What important contributions he made to the literature as expressed through film, and what gifts he left us with. Many people are adding their voice to the eulogies for Poitier, one of the world’s paramount actors. Some who knew him personally are speaking of his kindness, humility and genuineness. \n\nI remember him chiefly for his three most well-known movies: "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"In The Heat of The Night, To Sir With Love, "},{"insert":"and"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":" Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner"},{"insert":". Of these, the first two are classics.\n\nThough the primary themes in "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner"},{"insert":" are significant, and though the movie attempted to break down barriers to interracial marriage (that unfortunately still exist today), and though I would recommend it to anyone interested in human relationships, there are some weaknesses in the movie. The main problem is that stereotyping, especially of some groups of African Americans, does occur in the story line. And for my part I do not see the two primary actors, Poitier and Katharine Houghton, as a couple in love. This may be because the role of Poitier’s fiancé, played by Houghton, is chiefly superficial and through her role, women are also to some degree stereotyped in the role of husband supporter. Still, this movie is worth watching for the important messages its "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"does"},{"insert":" convey, for its importance historically, and because Sidney Poitier himself is worth watching in it (as well as Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Beah Richards, and Roy E. Glenn Sr.). Very few movies are exemplary through and through.\n \nBut the two movies most important in Sidney Poitier’s accomplishments as an actor, "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"In The Heat Of The Night "},{"insert":"and"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":" To Sir With Love"},{"insert":", cannot be classified other than as classics, for they will always be viewed and appreciated by discerning thinkers into the future. Both movies powerfully dramatize certain universal human problems and frailties. They denounce prejudice and bigotry, while offering answers through compassion and love. And of course, underlying all the insights portrayed in these movies you will find critical thinking. For those of you who have seen these movies, you will know. For those who have not, I will refrain from saying more except that these two movies, being classics, must be seen. And when seen, Sidney Poitier will not be forgotten.\n"}]}

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