Blog Post: Egocentric and Sociocentric Thinking as Barriers to Critical Thinking - a podcast interview

Linda Elder
Apr 15, 2022 • 2y ago
Egocentric and Sociocentric Thinking as Barriers to Critical Thinking - a podcast interview

{"ops":[{"insert":"I invite you to view the video of Simon Rilling’s recent interview with me, which you can find here in our community: "},{"attributes":{"color":"#0563c1","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":" . This will also be made available soon with a German translation through Simon’s team.\n \nThank you, Simon, for inviting me to discuss theory of the human mind, with emphasis on egocentric and sociocentric thinking as barriers to criticality. We need more interviewers and reporters interested in advancing fairminded critical societies through their work, like Simon.\n"}]}

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