Blog Post: Do Not Miss Our Upcoming 42nd Annual International Conference!!!

Linda Elder
Jun 21, 2022 • 2y ago
Do Not Miss Our Upcoming 42nd Annual International Conference!!!

{"ops":[{"insert":"I hope all of you join us for our upcoming 42"},{"attributes":{"script":"super"},"insert":"nd"},{"insert":" annual international conference on critical thinking. We will be offering sessions for educators at all levels, students and administrators, business and government leaders. To learn more about the conference and register, visit our Foundation for Critical Thinking website: "},{"attributes":{"color":"#0563c1","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n \n"},{"attributes":{"color":"#e60000","bold":true},"insert":"If you need a scholarship to help with registration fees"},{"insert":", let me know:\n \nAll conference sessions involve working together in breakout rooms with other conference attendees, and we offer sessions in multiple time zones.\n \nHere are a few of our focal session titles:\n\nUnderstanding critical thinking as essential to education in any field of study and at every level"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nFor business and government: using critical thinking to evaluate alternatives in complex contexts"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n connecting evidence based instruction to the rich tools of critical thinking"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"color":"#403f42"},"insert":"How egocentric and sociocentric thinking lead to belief in misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories and all manner of nonsense"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nWhy diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice and anti-racism require critical thinking"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nEducating for freedom of thought and why this is essential to cultivating fairminded critical societies"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nTo develop as a reasonable person requires committed practice toward that goal. It requires structures and strategies that contribute to our well-being and our ability to function at a high level of quality in all parts of our lives. It entails taking the tools of critical thinking seriously across all domains of human life and across all human societies. It is for these reasons that our conference was commenced by Richard Paul more than four decades ago. And it is for these reasons that we continue the conference. There we can share and develop our knowledge of critical thinking.\n\nOur annual conference offers a unique opportunity to learn and grow together through the concepts and principles found in a robust conception of critical thinking. Together we learn to better apply critical thinking to our professions and personal lives and we build our foundations for continuing our own critical thinking development as we leave the conference.\n\nI do so hope to see you there!\n"}]}

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