Blog Post: What Critical Thinking Can Do for Human Societies

Linda Elder
Jul 03, 2022 • 2y ago
What Critical Thinking Can Do for Human Societies

{"ops":[{"insert":"Thank you to all who participated in our recent webinar: "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"What Critical Thinking Can Do for Human Societies. "},{"insert":"Those of you who were not able to attend can view the webinar recording in our A/V Library here:\n \n\n \nIt is essential that humans embrace fairminded critical thinking for our survival and the health of the planet. In this latest webinar we explored some of the principles that guide ethical critical societies as well as essential values entailed in critical societies and embraced by critical persons. We also briefly discussed intrinsic human barriers to cultivating critical societies. I hope you will view the webinar recording, which included a rich, fruitful question and answer session; I welcome your feedback here. \n \nPlease join us for our regular webinars. See the schedule here: "},{"attributes":{"color":"#0563c1","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n \nMake sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive announcements of upcoming webinars, study groups and other community events. To do this, go to your profile page and open account options button at top right. There you will see an option to join our email list. \n \nWe hope to see you at our community webinars, and invite you to participate in the study groups we offer throughout the year - all focused on deepening your understanding of and ability to apply critical thinking in your life. We will announce our fall study group presently.\n"}]}

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