Blog Post: PropWatch Podcast on Media Bias and Propaganda

Linda Elder
Aug 02, 2022 • 2y ago
PropWatch Podcast on Media Bias and Propaganda

{"ops":[{"insert":"I was recently interviewed for "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"The PropWatch Project"},{"insert":", which is a nonpartisan educational nonprofit focused on raising public awareness of propaganda and disinformation. View and listen to the interview here: \n"},{"attributes":{"color":"purple","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nThe interview targeted the importance of critical thinking in detecting media bias and propaganda.\n\nFor more on this issue, read excerpts from our latest revision of "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Fact Over Fake: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Media Bias and Political Propaganda"},{"insert":": \n\n\n"}]}

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