Blog Post: Help us Develop Critical Thinking Publications in Your Discipline, Subject and Profession

Linda Elder
Aug 17, 2020 • 3y ago
Help us Develop Critical Thinking Publications in Your Discipline, Subject and Profession

{"ops":[{"insert":"Though many people believe critical thinking is now common in human societies, the fact is that we are a long way from realizing fairminded critical societies in any part of the world. For instance, we still have very few books or guides to academic and professional subjects articulated through the explicit tools of critical thinking. We invite all established authors interested in working with us to develop thinker’s guides or books in your areas of specialty, including but not limited to the following list, developed by Richard Paul before he died. Paul envisioned a world in which every subject was understood through the core principles of critical thinking, since reasoning (and hence critical thinking) is at the heart of all domains of human thought. Here are some possibilities (contact me at "},{"attributes":{"color":"purple","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":" if you are interested in working with me on a thinker’s guide to critical thinking in your field):\n \nAnthropological thinking\nMathematical thinking\nSociological thinking\nArcheological thinking\nBiological thinking\nBotanical thinking\nZoological thinking\nChemical thinking\nBiochemical thinking\nGeological thinking\nPolitical thinking\nGeographical thinking\nEcological thinking\nPhysiological thinking\nAstronomical thinking\nFinancial thinking\nMedical thinking\nPharmacological thinking\nPsychological thinking\nArithmetic thinking\nAlgebraic thinking\nGeometrical thinking\nMusical thinking\nArtistic thinking\nBiotechnological thinking\nCriminological thinking\nEpidemiological thinking\nStatistical thinking\nTechnological thinking\nNano-technological thinking\nGlobal thinking\nPhilosophical thinking\nMetaphysical thinking\n___________ thinking\nThinking like a doctor\nThinking homeopathically\nThinking allopathically\nThinking like a surgeon\nThinking like a psychologist\nThinking like an economist\nThinking like a librarian\nThinking like a lawyer\nThinking like an educator\nThinking like a teacher\nThinking like a principal\nThinking like a dean\nThinking like a classroom teacher\nThinking like a novelist\nThinking like a dramatist\nThinking like a poet\nThinking like a writer\nThinking like a civil engineer\nThinking like a nurse\nThinking like an accountant\nThinking like an architect\nThinking like a sculpture\nThinking like a painter\nThinking like a dancer\nThinking like a physicist\nThinking like a parasitologist\nThinking like a linguist\nThinking like a computer scientist\nThinking like a judge\nThinking like a defense attorney\nThinking like a prosecutor\nThinking like a police officer\nThinking like a social worker\nThinking like a physical therapist\nThinking like a _______________\nMulti-logical thinking\nInterdisciplinary thinking\nTransdisciplinary thinking\nThinking Outside the box\nVisual thinking\nThinking Beneath the Surface\nIntegrative thinking\nCultural thinking\nTranscultural thinking\nMulticultural thinking\nPathological thinking\nEthnocentric thinking\nAutonomous thinking\nConformist thinking\nThinking theologically\n"}]}

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Posted by: Felicia Ramirez

{"ops":[{"insert":"Communication\nThinking like a public speaker/speech writer. \n"}]}