Blog Post: Recommended French TV Series: A French Village

Linda Elder
Feb 21, 2021 • 3y ago
Recommended French TV Series: A French Village

{"ops":[{"insert":"I just finished watching the series entitled, "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"A French Village"},{"insert":", a French language series subtitled in English. I highly recommend this program for everyone interested in understanding how history unfolds as a result of pathological ideologies imposed on innocent people. This series is set in a small fictional village in France during the invasion of Nazi Germany and takes us through the years of the occupation and beyond. The series illuminates many problems in human thinking that lead to many forms of disfunction. It shows how a small town is devastated by war, not only during the occupation of enemy forces, but after the occupation ends, as France works to become stable after the Nazi’s are driven out. The program shows how power is misused, not only by the Nazi’s, but also French autocrats and American forces who occupy France when the Germans leave. With the assistance of Jean-Pierre Azema as historical consultant, the series seems to do a good job of depicting what life may have been like for people in a small village in a remote part of France. It illuminates many forms of egocentric and sociocentric thinking among those in power as well as those trying to survive within the pathological world largely created by the Nazi’s. The series is, naturally, depressing and horrifying. It highlights the gross mistreatment and genocide of Jews, and shows how negative implications of war continue long after the enemy is driven out. But it also reveals human strength and human goodness. You can view the series on Amazon Prime.\n"}]}

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