Blog Post: Running Before the Wind

Linda Elder
Mar 01, 2021 • 3y ago
Running Before the Wind

{"ops":[{"insert":"Richard Paul is widely recognized for his contributions to critical thinking. What very few people know about Richard is that he was also a masterful poet. Here is one of his poems, written to me, and now shared with you:\n\nlove cannot take \nthe sting from the world \ncannot take injustice \nfrom an unjust world \ncannot take cruelty \nor the crushing of the \nweak or the torment of the poor \nfrom a cruel and relentless \nworld \nthe agony the anguish goes on \nthe self-righteous still \nsleep well at night \nwith their guns and badges \nand magnificata of authority \nwith their laws \nand deeds to human life \nthe agony the anguish goes on \nbut love is our strength \nin the face of it all\nour power to say no \nto every lost moment of time \nto transform anger \ninto the power to act \nto defy to face down \nto dismiss to disown \nto soar like seabirds \nin the wind to build a \nfire to dance a jig \nto smile and laugh and play \nto start again and again \nand again \nas only two minds \nas only two hearts can \nrunning before the wind\n"}]}

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