My Forums: The Critical Thinking Community
Welcome to the forums, where intelligent persons pursue intelligent conversations.

You will find three types of forums in this section.
  1. Public Forums - These are general forums for discussion that anyone may freely join and participate in. The Foundation for Critical Thinking serves as the moderator for many of these forums. Engage in enlightened discussion, using the tools of critical thinking, as you discuss issues of importance in your work, in civic life, and in personal life. Help one another reach to more elevated levels of thought by sharing your highest ideals while pursuing ethical purposes.

  2. Private Forums You May Request to Join - These are forums members set up for specific purposes, into which they invite participation from members of our community. The person who sets up each private forum is then considered the forum's moderator. The moderator of each forum will need to actively "accept" (or reject) each new member request to join. If the moderator decides to leave their forum, the forum will be disbanded. Remaining members may begin another forum with a new moderator, to pick up where they left off when their forum was disbanded due to the loss of the moderator.

  3. Private Forums in Which All Members are Invited by the Moderator - These are forums that members set up for certain purposes, into which they invite specific members who share these purposes. These forums may be small group discussions, they may be work-related within your organization, they may be book discussions with your study group members, or certain members within your study group (see study groups as another way to engage actively with members). The person who sets up each private forum is then considered the forum's moderator. The moderator of each specific forum will send an invitation to specific members, inviting them to join private forums. If the moderator decides to leave their forum, the forum will be disbanded. Remaining members may begin another forum with a new moderator, to pick up where they left off when their forum was disbanded due to the loss of the moderator.

and add your voice to the elevated conversations within the community.


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Public Forums Run by The Foundation for Critical Thinking

Public Forums Run by Members of the Community