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Intellectual Standards with Linda Elder

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"The first video from Feb.2023 on this top is helping me take a closer look at;\n1. The interweaving of the concepts or constellation of conceptual ideas.. \n2. How curiosity is an important rtent ckvi g to better understanding.\n3. The curiosity in one,'s mind feeds questioning. Einstein repeatedly stressed the need for us to keep curiosity alive.\n4. The questions provide factual answers that most not be ignored.\n5. Each standard is to be taken I divinely and how it relates to other standards.\n6. Looking to see if the origin standards need modification.\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nI had trouble following what you were saying. I'm guessing it;'s because your mind was moving faster than your fingers on the keyboard.\n"}]}

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