133d, Posted for: Whole Community

Music is one of the Universal Languages. I hope CT will become a Universal Language


Posted by: William J Dowling Jr

{"ops":[{"insert":"Critical Thinking has its \"True Colors.\" I applied CT recently and 2nd naturedly traced my thinking backwards and found an assumption that I had taken for granted was not accurate, not rational. My behavior that followed my assumption was irrational, my feelings that followed were irrational. In short, I found my out of the fog of confusion and back to being intellectually, emotionally, and behaviorally, balanced and rational. I used CT to figure it all out. What a relief!\n"}]}

Posted by: Joseph Halter

{"ops":[{"insert":"William, I think the Paul-Elder CT framework provides most of the instruments for a universal application. It is up to us to practice and to continue to learn how to use it. \n"}]}

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