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Intellectual Standard for Critical Thinking

Posted by: Joseph Halter

{"ops":[{"insert":"I have been teaching and using critical thinking since 2006. Over the years, I have developed maps to help me and my students understand the framework of the Paul/Elder model. It can be daunting process to learn as explicated by Dr Elder in her most recent blog: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://community.criticalthinking.org/blogPost.php?param=49"},"insert":"https://community.criticalthinking.org/blogPost.php?param=49"},{"insert":"\n\nI find the best way to learn more about this model is to break it down and to start using it. \n\nI am sharing a Intellectual Standard map I created a few years ago that I provide to my students. Please review and share if you wish this link: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://jghalter.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/assessment-standards-1.jpg"},"insert":"Intellectual Standards for Critical Thinking. "},{"insert":"\n\nI would appreciate your questions and comments.\n\n\n"}]}


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