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How do we feed our brain?

Posted by: Behnam Jafari

{"ops":[{"insert":"This week, in our study group we talk a little of our health. It struck me to introduce a book which I have read and applied to my life and of course I experience a change. The book \" EAT COMPLETE\" is written by Dr. Drew Ramsey, psychiatrist and the professor of Columbia University. \n\nHere is an excerpt from Dr. Ramsey's book:\n\"Not only were the medications I was prescribing adding to my patients’ health problems, but I realized I was totally untrained to counsel them about nutrition. Doctors don’t learn about nutrition in medical school, even though poor food choices are at the root of the majority of health concerns in our country.\nI learned that my patients were just as confused as I was. I felt foolish as I realized that the standard advice I was offering—“Don’t eat cholesterol or fat”—was both scientifically wrong and woefully inadequate. \"\n\nIn this book, he first provides the knowledge of 21 nutrients(what are they? what are their functions? how much and where you can find them?) , then gives the required kitchen tools and in the end 100 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and small plates, salads and so on. By eating these recipes you will get the most nutritions you should feed your brain. I personally applied these recipes and I see a favorable change in my mood, my mind and the level of my energy. I hope if you get interested in that book, it will be helpful for you.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/28/well/eat/food-mood-depression-anxiety-nutrition-psychiatry.html"},"insert":"https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/28/well/eat/food-mood-depression-anxiety-nutrition-psychiatry.html"},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_EyHW1F_Bk"},"insert":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_EyHW1F_Bk"},{"insert":"\n\nBehnam\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}


Posted by: Joseph Halter

{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks for sharing and I read and watch the video. Worth sharing to others. Food is medicine and I think the more we discover about how it interacts with our bodies and minds the better. Much work is needed. \n"}]}

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