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Purpose..making decisions.

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":".I used the questions related to the Elements of Thought to clarify my thinking regarding whether to nominate a 6th grade boy as one of the April Outstanding Students. My main questions were related to his behaviors outside my classroom. They were very questionable.\nUsing the events and writing my answers, I could plainly see that outstsnding in only one class did not make up for all the other problems. But, honestly, at first I was not clear on what to do. Now going through the questions and answering gave me a clearer lens. The decision was to tell him what i would have liked to do based on my class but it was not true elsewhere.\n\nHe understood but I could see remorse in his eyes. \n\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nThe elements of reasoning served you quite well. Your decision seems the most honest, straightforward and honoring answer you could give to the boy. It just seems eminently reasonable as a decision, and telling him about it person-to-person was treating him as a reasonable individual.\n\tOne thing that I thought was particularly striking about your response was the way using the elements helped you sort out the conflicting factors (and their attendant emotions) and come to a fairminded decision.\n"}]}

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