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Jeri Williams

Posted April 20, 2024      

Fredrick Douglas Autobiography

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"A tremendous look at the slavery conditions in the USA. This includes feelings and attitudes by all involved from the beginning of his life until the end. Douglas is an accomplished and insightful writer with the ability to look into his own feelings and attitudes toward slavery as well as those of its masters. He dfinitely asks critical thinking questions and searches for facts and opinions for his and others during his life regarding slavery.\n\nA must read in any classroom studying slavery. One has to really question why that has not been the case with his work so explicitly provides an accurate complete historical documentation. I highly recommend the one book on slavery not to be missef.\n"}]}

Joseph Halter - 116d Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Can you provide us the author of the book and where it may be obtained? Thank you\n"}]}
Gerald Nosich - 20d Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Joe,\nI believe the book Jeri is referring to is Frederick Douglass's "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"},{"insert":". It's available in many editions. You can check on Amazon.\nBest,\nGerald\n"}]}
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Posted March 9, 2024      

The Common Good

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"I very much appreciated his ability to explain the progression of the attitude of government not for the common good.How many feel it is all for the wealthy. What we are faced with today is not just Donald Ttump but decades before him the conditions eroding our doctscy were taking root. I enjoyed his ideas do much that I bought the book immediately after listening.\n"}]}

Joseph Halter - 176d Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Jeri, can you clarify who “his” is? Thanks. Is this an article? \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Jeri is probably referring to Robert Reich's town hall discussion, 'The Common Good\":\n\n\n"}]}
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Posted December 23, 2023      

Intellectual Standards with Linda Elder

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"The first video from Feb.2023 on this top is helping me take a closer look at;\n1. The interweaving of the concepts or constellation of conceptual ideas.. \n2. How curiosity is an important rtent ckvi g to better understanding.\n3. The curiosity in one,'s mind feeds questioning. Einstein repeatedly stressed the need for us to keep curiosity alive.\n4. The questions provide factual answers that most not be ignored.\n5. Each standard is to be taken I divinely and how it relates to other standards.\n6. Looking to see if the origin standards need modification.\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 245d Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nI had trouble following what you were saying. I'm guessing it;'s because your mind was moving faster than your fingers on the keyboard.\n"}]}
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Posted June 10, 2023      

Point of View with Linda abd Gerald

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"Point of view as with each of 8 Standards of earnings g over lap but this one going deeper can involve much more. There is so much more need for questioning and allowing others to express their ideas in order to better understand the question and hear opinions. This helps clear one's own point of view. The listening and patience is hard but necessary to get a complete picture of a concept.\n\nAs you exprrss your ideas or point of view you will naturally involve the inherent standards to help you clarify your thinking. As Linda reminds us, point of view is not easy. There several times thus past week before watching the podcast that I had beenbusing the questioning regarding the behavior of a fellow teacher and how she seemed to be handling her departure as she was called before the assembly of teachers. Thus lead to how each person handled their departure regardless of reasons. \n\nDefinitely each had her own point of view a d was revealed in comments made or messages read. Some seemed so very real and there was no covering their point if view and thoughts on the matter of change. Much had been done in understanding the point of view. Some were goingvto new careers or staying in same career but at a different level. Sitting in the audience I realized that I was engaging in my own questions regarding the individual choices.\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jeri,\nI really like your insight about how listening and patience are hard but necessary when trying to understand a concept more fully. \n\tAlso, your response was made clearer by giving the example of a fellow teacher.\n"}]}
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Posted June 2, 2023      

Inferences- Going Deeper with Linda and Gerald

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"Inferences can quickly go off track depending on how you interpret facts. There seems to be much room for personal bias. The bridge you use from assumptions to inferred conclusions must be checked carefully\n This is true to some degree for every inference. How one reasons the facts is key to the inference. This predicts the conclusion. Inferences seem to me to be the most grey in interpretation. Personal experience overshadows if not careful! It is detective like deductive reasoning. Ust be retested with new information. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jeri, \nI "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"think"},{"insert":" I follow you, but I'm not sure. Your responses would have been clearer to me if you had included and discussed an example of what you say about inferences, assumptions and interpretations. Virtually all words in natural languages (such as English) are ambiguous, and that holds for the words inferences, assumptions and interpretations as well. Concrete example pins down some of the ambiguity. (That's a lot of why the second \"E\" is contained in SEE-I.)\n"}]}
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Posted May 5, 2023      

Implications for Me from the Podcast by Linda and Gerald

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"The podcast on implications triggered thoughts about my middle school students.\nWhy they lie more these days?\nWhy they seldom say ..excuse me?\nWhy they are extremely rude at times? \nFor myself....\nHow to discipline myself to extend my implication questions and not close my analysis too soon.\nAt what point in implications do I take action...and see the oonsequences?\nU se the critical thinking questions for implications. Listed on P24 in the Socratic Questioning booklet from the Foundation.\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jeri,\nThat's a really good question you asked of yourself. It'a a difficult tone too. There are an unlimited number of implications for any complex question or issue, and a person can spend so much time figuring them out that they may never find time to act on them.\n"}]}
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Posted May 4, 2023      


Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"IMPLICATIONS Podcast by Linda and Gerald \nMAY 4, 2023\n\nListening to their discussion as it progressed, I was reminded of the broad scope of its meaning. So how it intervenes all the elements of thinking. Implications is information implied by a statement or situation. Implications can go on forever. It has long arms making multiple connections.\nConnections that are logically implied. Consequences are the actions generated by the seeming logic. The connections and the examination thereof are easily distorted when trying to come to a decision about an issue and the implications. There are no guarantees that all scenarios of possible outcomes will be considered. In any decision-making logical process there can be unforseen consequences but using the other seven Elements of Thought provide a solid road map and \"stay on course\" goal.\n\nThere are barriers implicit in implications: culturally ingrained emotional bias that can cloud our feelings of responsibility if not checked. Also wishing the implications point to a favorable consequence which in reality is not true. This can happen because one is fearful to really thoughtfully assess the rationale of a given implication. Instead acting on one's emotional desires and not looking long range.\n\nThis brings me to the understanding that a system such as the \nElements is only as good as the person's critical thinking. As with our last podcast on information...being neutral.\nQuestions need to be generated relative to implied meaning. Much as a news reporter using the standby....who....what...why...where?\n\nAs stated above....using your best rational thinking and asking logical questions is not a guarantee that you will have seen all the possible consequences. The assurance though, if evaluated critically based on the Elements, you have used a solid foundation of questioning to best understand. Unforeseen consequences can happen for which you are not responsible!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}

Posted April 27, 2023      

Elements of Thought....Information

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"The meeting of Linda and Gerald on the Elements of Thought....Information....\n was filled with background info about rhe Elements and how information relates to the other elements. Information alone is of limited value. What is important is how one uses it. Teaching the middle school gifted we are researching constantly but also applying to related questions.\n\nA few moments ago I realized that one of my 8th grade students needed help on asking questions related to how one survives in emergency situations. We had to begin with very basic questions to begin researching. Gathering information requires answering...eventually all the thought Elements. This would be different for each question and each individual.\n\nViewing the Podcast helped me to analyze my own information researching and the steps involved. The Podcast enhanced organizing my thinking to help the student mentioned above. Constant assessment of my use of the Elements keeps my information skills sharp. A great review session by Linda abd Gerald.\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nThis is an important application of the elements: in this case how they (all of them, in fact) are essential to gathering relevant information about an issue. (You don't mention it explicitly but the \"constant assessment\" of the elements involves the explicit use of the standards of critical thinking. The standards are important not just for using the standards, but for assessing the clarity, accuracy, relevance and importance... of the information gathered in the research.\n"}]}
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Posted April 12, 2023      

Purpose..making decisions.

Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":".I used the questions related to the Elements of Thought to clarify my thinking regarding whether to nominate a 6th grade boy as one of the April Outstanding Students. My main questions were related to his behaviors outside my classroom. They were very questionable.\nUsing the events and writing my answers, I could plainly see that outstsnding in only one class did not make up for all the other problems. But, honestly, at first I was not clear on what to do. Now going through the questions and answering gave me a clearer lens. The decision was to tell him what i would have liked to do based on my class but it was not true elsewhere.\n\nHe understood but I could see remorse in his eyes. \n\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 1y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nThe elements of reasoning served you quite well. Your decision seems the most honest, straightforward and honoring answer you could give to the boy. It just seems eminently reasonable as a decision, and telling him about it person-to-person was treating him as a reasonable individual.\n\tOne thing that I thought was particularly striking about your response was the way using the elements helped you sort out the conflicting factors (and their attendant emotions) and come to a fairminded decision.\n"}]}
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Posted April 12, 2023      


Posted by: Jeri Williams | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"Organizing Ideas\nQuestion yourself on your purpose and Question as it progresses.\n\nQuestions \n1. Am I currently using Socrstic Questioning related to the purpose for my actions?\n2. Can I come to understanding and application from many directions?\n3. How are the Elements of Thought essential to the development of sound critical thinking and questioning?\n \n"}]}

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