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Elements of Thought....Information

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"The meeting of Linda and Gerald on the Elements of Thought....Information....\n was filled with background info about rhe Elements and how information relates to the other elements. Information alone is of limited value. What is important is how one uses it. Teaching the middle school gifted we are researching constantly but also applying to related questions.\n\nA few moments ago I realized that one of my 8th grade students needed help on asking questions related to how one survives in emergency situations. We had to begin with very basic questions to begin researching. Gathering information requires answering...eventually all the thought Elements. This would be different for each question and each individual.\n\nViewing the Podcast helped me to analyze my own information researching and the steps involved. The Podcast enhanced organizing my thinking to help the student mentioned above. Constant assessment of my use of the Elements keeps my information skills sharp. A great review session by Linda abd Gerald.\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Jeri,\nThis is an important application of the elements: in this case how they (all of them, in fact) are essential to gathering relevant information about an issue. (You don't mention it explicitly but the \"constant assessment\" of the elements involves the explicit use of the standards of critical thinking. The standards are important not just for using the standards, but for assessing the clarity, accuracy, relevance and importance... of the information gathered in the research.\n"}]}

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