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Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"IMPLICATIONS Podcast by Linda and Gerald \nMAY 4, 2023\n\nListening to their discussion as it progressed, I was reminded of the broad scope of its meaning. So how it intervenes all the elements of thinking. Implications is information implied by a statement or situation. Implications can go on forever. It has long arms making multiple connections.\nConnections that are logically implied. Consequences are the actions generated by the seeming logic. The connections and the examination thereof are easily distorted when trying to come to a decision about an issue and the implications. There are no guarantees that all scenarios of possible outcomes will be considered. In any decision-making logical process there can be unforseen consequences but using the other seven Elements of Thought provide a solid road map and \"stay on course\" goal.\n\nThere are barriers implicit in implications: culturally ingrained emotional bias that can cloud our feelings of responsibility if not checked. Also wishing the implications point to a favorable consequence which in reality is not true. This can happen because one is fearful to really thoughtfully assess the rationale of a given implication. Instead acting on one's emotional desires and not looking long range.\n\nThis brings me to the understanding that a system such as the \nElements is only as good as the person's critical thinking. As with our last podcast on information...being neutral.\nQuestions need to be generated relative to implied meaning. Much as a news reporter using the standby....who....what...why...where?\n\nAs stated above....using your best rational thinking and asking logical questions is not a guarantee that you will have seen all the possible consequences. The assurance though, if evaluated critically based on the Elements, you have used a solid foundation of questioning to best understand. Unforeseen consequences can happen for which you are not responsible!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}


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