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Implications for Me from the Podcast by Linda and Gerald

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"The podcast on implications triggered thoughts about my middle school students.\nWhy they lie more these days?\nWhy they seldom say ..excuse me?\nWhy they are extremely rude at times? \nFor myself....\nHow to discipline myself to extend my implication questions and not close my analysis too soon.\nAt what point in implications do I take action...and see the oonsequences?\nU se the critical thinking questions for implications. Listed on P24 in the Socratic Questioning booklet from the Foundation.\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jeri,\nThat's a really good question you asked of yourself. It'a a difficult tone too. There are an unlimited number of implications for any complex question or issue, and a person can spend so much time figuring them out that they may never find time to act on them.\n"}]}

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