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Point of View with Linda abd Gerald

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"Point of view as with each of 8 Standards of earnings g over lap but this one going deeper can involve much more. There is so much more need for questioning and allowing others to express their ideas in order to better understand the question and hear opinions. This helps clear one's own point of view. The listening and patience is hard but necessary to get a complete picture of a concept.\n\nAs you exprrss your ideas or point of view you will naturally involve the inherent standards to help you clarify your thinking. As Linda reminds us, point of view is not easy. There several times thus past week before watching the podcast that I had beenbusing the questioning regarding the behavior of a fellow teacher and how she seemed to be handling her departure as she was called before the assembly of teachers. Thus lead to how each person handled their departure regardless of reasons. \n\nDefinitely each had her own point of view a d was revealed in comments made or messages read. Some seemed so very real and there was no covering their point if view and thoughts on the matter of change. Much had been done in understanding the point of view. Some were goingvto new careers or staying in same career but at a different level. Sitting in the audience I realized that I was engaging in my own questions regarding the individual choices.\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jeri,\nI really like your insight about how listening and patience are hard but necessary when trying to understand a concept more fully. \n\tAlso, your response was made clearer by giving the example of a fellow teacher.\n"}]}

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