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On the importance of fairminded critical thinking: The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

{"ops":[{"insert":"Thinking errors are often more insiduous and almost imperciptible like this story here; had it been an explosion or the like, it would have evidently been the worst accident ever but since it was more insiduous almost nobody knows about it...\n\n\"The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History\"\n Video here: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://youtu.be/IV3dnLzthDA"},"insert":"https://youtu.be/IV3dnLzthDA"},{"insert":"\n"}]}


Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"I don't see how this fits with fairmindedness. Among other things, it depends on whether he was "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"negligent"},{"insert":" in his actions. \n"}]}

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