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Dr. Saadiqa Khan
For the last 19 years, I have been a dedicated educator in the field of higher education, specializing in liberal arts and humanities. I recently entered the administrative sector, which has been instrumental in broadening my perspectives about higher education in the 21st century.

Posted March 5, 2021      

Thanks to Gerald re: yesterday's webinar

Posted by: Dr. Saadiqa Khan | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"I'd like to thank Gerald for that wonderful webinar yesterday on the Elements of Thought. It was quite insightful, especially when it came to discussing inferences and assumptions and how to teach students about that relationship. Your suggestions worked, Gerald! Today's session had my students curious and engaged in a way that I have never seen before (especially with these topics). They want to discuss the concepts some more, especially as I showed them how it affects the decisions and actions we take in our daily lives. Looking forward to the next one!\n"}]}

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