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Nadya Patel

Posted May 26, 2021      

Special Issue on Critical Thinking and Communicating in the Disciplines

Posted by: Nadya Patel | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi everyone,\n\nGreetings from Singapore! It is a pleasure to join you in the Center for Critical Thinking Community. I am also looking forward to the upcoming Summer Conference organised by the Foundation. \n\nI wanted to share with the community about a Special Issue for International Journal of TESOL Studies which I'm co-editing. It is on Critical Thinking and Communicating in the Disciplines. Dr Linda Elder has encouraged me to share with everyone here. \n\nIf you like more information about the Special Issue, please refer to the attached Call for Paper. We welcome enquiries too. Thank you. \n\nKind regards,\nNadya Patel\nSingapore Institute of Technology\n"}]}

Joseph Halter - 3y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Greetings Nadya, and good to see your post.\nCan you elaborate on the Special Issue? Also, can you recheck for the attached Call for Paper? I could not find it. Thanks\n"}]}
Nadya Patel - 3y Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Joseph! Apologies this took so long. I thought I had attached the Call for Paper. I'm not sure what happened. \n\nAnyway, here is the direct link:\n\nAlternatively, you can find the Call for Paper on this page too:\nWe look forward to receiving indication of interests from anyone who is keen. \n\nKind regards,\nNadya\n\n\n\n"}]}
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