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Hamayun Hussain

Posted August 12, 2024      

Introductory Remarks

Posted by: Hamayun Hussain | Posted for: the Community

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi! I am Hamayun from Pakistan. I am very enthusiastic to join this community and connect with you all people for the learning critical thinking in a collaborative environment. Happy to see you all here\n"}]}

Gerald Nosich - 28d Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Hümayun,\n\nWelcome to the community! It is good to connect with you.\n\nBest,\nGerald\n"}]}
Linda Tym - 13h Ago
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Hamayun! \n\nIt was great to see you at the conference again this year and I look forward to working with you in the Study Group too!\n\nall best,\nLinda Tym\n"}]}
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