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Babatunde 'The 8th Sage' Towobola
My artistic practice is founded on my background and experience in law, human rights education, public policy research and ultimately, my love for the arts. While skilled in the law, with the aid of incisive research, art is a more powerful tool to challenge, break down and change dominant views and effect mindset transformation in my setting because unlike law, art addresses fundamental attitudes.

These serve as the foundation for my practice and propel my artistic engagement with my local setting. I believe that art is not just created for art’s sake but should effect positive change in society being first founded on a unique approach founded on critical thinking.

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Babatunde 'The 8th Sage' Towobola's Connections
Work Experience
Academy Tutorials
Reading and Writing Alcove ▼

    Wheel of Reason ▼

      Criteria Corner ▼

        Virtuous Virtues ▼

          Triangle of Thinking, Feeling, and Desires ▼

            Wall of Barriers ▼