Develop Intellectual Perseverance
Intellectual perseverance entails the willingness and
consciousness of the need to pursue intellectual insights and
truths despite difficulties, obstacles, and frustrations. It means
firmly adhering to rational principles despite irrational opposition of
others. It means struggling with confusion and unsettled questions
over an extended period of time in order to achieve deeper
understanding or insight. The opposite of intellectual perseverance
is intellectual indolence or laziness.
Intellectual Perseverance
Most people have more physical
perseverance than intellectual
perseverance. Most are ready to admit, “No
pain, no gain!” when talking about the body.
Most give up quickly, on the other hand,
when faced with a frustrating intellectual
problem. Thinking of your own responses,
in your work or your personal life, how
would you evaluate your own intellectual
perseverance (on a scale of 0–10)?
Complete these statements: