Wall of Barriers Activity: Focus on a Disagreement in Which you Were Not Fairminded
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Focus on a Disagreement in Which you Were Not Fairminded
Think of a disagreement you were in recently in which you now realize you were not fairmindedly listening to the views of someone else.
Perhaps you were defensive during the conversation, or were trying to dominate the other person. You were not trying to see the situation from the perspective of the person with whom you were interacting. At the time, however, you believed you were being fully reasonable. Now you realize that you were close-minded.
Complete these statements:
1. The situation was as follows:
2. My behavior/thinking in the situation was as follows:
3. I now realize that I was close-minded because:
(If you cannot think of an example, think of a situation you recently were in where someone else was close-minded. Also, ask yourself why you cannot think of any examples of close-mindedness on your part part, since everyone is sometimes close-minded).