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Fredrick Douglas Autobiography

Posted by: Jeri Williams

{"ops":[{"insert":"A tremendous look at the slavery conditions in the USA. This includes feelings and attitudes by all involved from the beginning of his life until the end. Douglas is an accomplished and insightful writer with the ability to look into his own feelings and attitudes toward slavery as well as those of its masters. He dfinitely asks critical thinking questions and searches for facts and opinions for his and others during his life regarding slavery.\n\nA must read in any classroom studying slavery. One has to really question why that has not been the case with his work so explicitly provides an accurate complete historical documentation. I highly recommend the one book on slavery not to be missef.\n"}]}


Posted by: Joseph Halter

{"ops":[{"insert":"Can you provide us the author of the book and where it may be obtained? Thank you\n"}]}

Posted by: Foundation For Critical Thinking

{"ops":[{"insert":"It is "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass "},{"insert":"by Frederick Douglass. Dover Publications offers a printing at the link below.\n\nhttps://store.doverpublications.com/products/9780486431703\n"}]}

Posted by: Gerald Nosich

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello Joe,\nI believe the book Jeri is referring to is Frederick Douglass's "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"},{"insert":". It's available in many editions. You can check on Amazon.\nBest,\nGerald\n"}]}

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