Wall of Barriers
As humans, we are all born centered in ourselves.
We feel directly and unavoidably our own pain and
frustration, our own joy and pleasure. We largely see the
world from a narrow, self-serving perspective. But we
humans are also social animals. We must interact with
others to survive as beings in the world. In interacting
with others in groups, we form complex belief systems.
These belief systems often reflect a variety of forms of
intellectual blindness as well as intellectual insights.
In living a human life, we develop worldviews that are
a mixture of self-serving, group-serving, and rational
Our intrinsic narrowness of perspective, focused on our own needs and wants, merges
with our group views as we are increasingly socialized and conditioned, over time, to
see the world not only from our own point of view, but from the perspectives of our
groups: family, gender, peers, colleagues, ethnic group, nationality, religion, profession,
and indeed any groups in which we are members. Thus, we come to see the world as
Japanese, American, Turkish, Korean, or Chinese persons. We see it as Christians,
Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Agnostics, or Atheists. We see it as teachers,
entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, judges, prosecutors, or police officers. We see it as
women, men, people of a certain age, heterosexuals, homosexuals, people of a certain
ethnic group, and so on.
To put this another way, humans largely see the world from
these two overlapping and interactive sets of tendencies:
- Our native egocentrism: “to view everything in the world in relationship to oneself, to be self-centered” (Webster’s New World Dictionary); to view the world in self-validating or selfish terms.
- Our native sociocentrism: to view everything in relationship to one’s group; to be group-centered; to attach ourselves to others and together create beliefs, rules, and taboos to which those in the group are expected to adhere, and against which the behavior of those outside the group are judged; to view the world in group-validating or groupish terms.
Egocentric thought is a significant problem in every human’s thinking; it is the native propensity
to see things from one’s own narrow, self-serving, self-validating perspective. It leads people to
uncritically accept that which makes them feel good, and that which serves their selfish desires.
To understand egocentric thinking is to begin with the assumption that the human mind is
naturally trapped in pathological ways of looking at the world. Instead of being open-minded,
we often tend to be narrow-minded. Instead of seeing situations fairmindedly, we often tend to
see them from our own selfish perspectives. Instead of recognizing that complex issues require
complex reasoning, we often oversimplify them.
Sociocentrism is a powerful force in every culture in the world. It is exemplified in widespread group selfishness (what we might term “groupishness”), conformity, and myopia. It threatens the well- being of humans, other species, and the planet. Due to technological advances, the capacity of human groups to cause great suffering among themselves, as well as to other sentient creatures, is now unprecedented. Sociocentrism, as a way of thinking, contrasts with that of the emancipated human mind (the mind that thinks beyond narrow group interests to the rights and needs of all humans, as well as other sentient species).
Sociocentrism is a powerful force in every culture in the world. It is exemplified in widespread group selfishness (what we might term “groupishness”), conformity, and myopia. It threatens the well- being of humans, other species, and the planet. Due to technological advances, the capacity of human groups to cause great suffering among themselves, as well as to other sentient creatures, is now unprecedented. Sociocentrism, as a way of thinking, contrasts with that of the emancipated human mind (the mind that thinks beyond narrow group interests to the rights and needs of all humans, as well as other sentient species).
To diminish the power of selfishness, groupishness,
self-deception, and the like requires that we actively
develop our raw intellectual and ethical capacities—that
we cultivate in ourselves intellectual habits or traits of
mind. In this section we offer activities that will help you
take greater command of your intrinsic egocentric and
sociocentric tendencies, which manifest themselves
differently in different people and in differing groups.
For deeper understanding of these two sets of problems,
click here.
Also, before beginning these activities read the
Thinker’s Guide to the Human Mind
by Linda Elder and Richard Paul.
For each of these activities, write out your
answers in detail. Since this involves your private answers,
we do not provide specimen answers.
Video Series
Understanding the Native Functions of the Human Mind
Since human emotions and desires are generally controlled by thoughts, understanding our thoughts is essential to personal and societal advancement. This video collection focuses on the problems in thinking that arise from the innate human egocentric and sociocentric behaviors. These videos delve into the core functions of the human mind to allow viewers to take charge of their intellect and emotions more effectively. Fellows and scholars of the Foundation for Critical Thinking explore the basic impulses that influence our thoughts and can distract us from logical or ethical action. Exploring the dangers of egocentric and sociocentric thinking, this series presents strategies for strengthening emotional intelligence and developing critical thinking virtues.
View Videos in the Series
Since human emotions and desires are generally controlled by thoughts, understanding our thoughts is essential to personal and societal advancement. This video collection focuses on the problems in thinking that arise from the innate human egocentric and sociocentric behaviors. These videos delve into the core functions of the human mind to allow viewers to take charge of their intellect and emotions more effectively. Fellows and scholars of the Foundation for Critical Thinking explore the basic impulses that influence our thoughts and can distract us from logical or ethical action. Exploring the dangers of egocentric and sociocentric thinking, this series presents strategies for strengthening emotional intelligence and developing critical thinking virtues.
View Videos in the Series
Activities for the Wall of Barriers:
- Analyze a Self-Centered Person You Know Well
- Identify Your Irrational Purposes
- Identify Some of Your Irrational Beliefs
- Focus on a Disagreement in Which you Were Not Fairminded
- Identify Prejudices in Your Beliefs
- Identify When Someone Was Trying to Manipulate You
- Focus on a Time when you Did Not Get What You Selfishly Wanted
- To What Extent Are You Rational?
- To What Extent Are You Egocentrically Dominating?
- To What Extent Are You Egocentrically Submissive?
- To What Extent Are You Egocentrically Dominating versus Submissive?
- Analyze Your Group Memberships
- Identify Sociocentric Thinking in the News
- Identify Beliefs Acquired Through Group Membership
- Identify Ways Children are Indoctrinated Into Group Ideologies
- Identify Dysfunctional Behavior Within a Group
- Identify the Impact of Group Influence
- Identify the Impact of Groupishness
- Identify Dangerous Group Validation
- Examining Ideologies Imposed on Groups by Group Members
- Distinguish Between Reasonable and Unreasonable Ideas Within a Group
- Analyze a Group That Promotes Positive Change or Advancement of Critical Thinking Societies
- Identify Nationalism Within Our Countries
- Identify Group Control and Group Conformity
- Analyze Group Power Within Cultures
- Analyzing the Actions of Dissenters
- Analyze Speciescentrism Within Our Cultures
- Identify Sociocentric Thought Within Professions
- Identify Politicians Hiding Behind Words
- Analyze Sociocentric Uses of Words

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